Call Me Pretty
Call Me Pretty Professional Help
Sometimes, no matter what you try, whether it is applied topically or with a hand-held device, you still may need a little extra help to achieve the overall look that you want.

I suggest that you start with a great esthetician to get a much needed facial on a monthly basis. A good esthetician will examine your skin and put you on a program to get your skin in optimal health. My esthetician gives me a one hour facial and I am on a six week glycolic peel. Each person's skin is different and you may need something totally different. Find an esthetician and a program that works for you.

If this is still not giving you the desired effect, you may need to see a good dermatologist or even a plastic surgeon, one of course that has been highly recommended. The reason for this recommendation is that you may have some skin problems that can only be determined by a Dr. You may also have lines and wrinkles that are so deep that no matter what you may have used it still isn't working. You may want to try Restylane or something minor to help with deep lines or wrinkles.

Remember, cheaper is not necessarily better, so do not go to a doctor simply because he or she is offering services at the lowest price. Your health and safety are far more important. For instance before he was on Extreme Makeover, I was given a recommendation to go and see Dr. Anthony Griffin in Beverly Hills, Ca. He was extremely courteous and ethical. He could have tried to offer me services that I really did not need but he didn't. I went in to see him for what I considered an aging problem that I was not happy with. He listened to my concerns and put me on a skin care regimen instead of doing surgery on me that I obviously did not need. That is what you need to look for. Someone who is not trying to sell you a service but do what is best for you. I would highly recommend Dr. Griffin, he is an awesome Dr.

There are so many other procedures out there but you just have to do your homework. You have to figure out what is troubling you the most. You have to get good recommendations and only go with a Dr. that is really looking out for your overall best interest.

All of the products and services that I recommend can be found simply by going to their web sites or to Google and searching by the product name.

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25852 McBean Parkway :: Suite 35 :: Valencia, CA 91355
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